Sunday 3 February 2013

Muhammad Dalam Song Of Solomon (5:16) Dalam Bahasa Hebrew

Salam alaik,

Semoga perkongsian ini dapat dijadikan renungan. Saya bukan pengkaji Al-Quran, Bible atau Torah. Tapi maklumat penulis ini berdasarkan Old Testament. Berdasarkan Injil. Nama Muhammad sebagai Rasul terakhir disebut di dalam Injil. Namun kerana Muhammad itu berbangsa Arab dan bukan Hebrew, maka bukti Muhammad disingkirkan dalam Bible dan Torah masa kini.

Baca entri asal dan tonton video kenapa nama Muhammad disingkirkan sedangkan itu kalam Allah. Allahuakbar!

KREDIT-Entri asal:

Di dalam buku song of solomon/kitab kidung agung(5:16),di dalam bahasa ibrani/hebrew :

"khiko mamtaqeem vekhulo MUHAMMADIM zeh dewdee,v'zeh ra'ee benot jerusalem."


"Begitu manis tutur katanya,segala yg ada pdnya menawan hatiku.Demikianlah kekasihku dan sahabatku,Hai puteri2 jerusalem."

Perkataan "he is altogether lovely" yg tercatat di dalam bible sebenarnya adalah terjemahan drpd perkataan MUHAMMADIM dalam bahasa ibrani/hebrew..

'IM' dalam bahasa ibrani(bahasa yahudi),MENUNJUKKAN dua jenis kata plural...
1.plural of numbers
2.plural of respect

sama juga mcm bahasa arab...perkataan' kami' mempunyai 2 maksud...
1.plural of numbers
2.plural of respect..

kalau tak percaya pergi tanya org2 yang ahli dan pakar dalam bahasa arab.


perkataan ALLAH dalam hebrew adalah ELOHIM...ELOH=ALLAH,IM= plural of respect...


Kesilapan orang kristian ialah mereka menterjemahkan nama orang...sebab tu mereka bila dtanya nama muhammad ada x dalam kamu punya bible?mereka kata x de...pasal da dterjemahkan jd "altogether lovely"!!


hafizuddin sedang minum air

hafizuddin dalam bahasa arab bermaksud menjaga agama(islam)
boleh kita terjemah jd begini?:

menjaga agama islam sdg minum air...

JESUS bangsa Yahudi dan berbicara bahasa Hebrew. Semua umat Islam tahu Nabi Muhammad bangsa Arab dan baginda bicara bahasa Arab. Apa pun yang dikatakan oleh JESUS, lebih tepat didalam Bahasa Hebrew.

Perhatikan perkataan dibawah: 


Perkataan diatas adalah perkataan yang diambil dari Bahasa Hebrew dari BIBLE HEBREW. Bahasa Asli BIBLE. Ingat! JESUS bukan Arab. 

Perkataan ini diambil dari Old Testament.

חִכֹּו מַֽמְתַקִּים וְכֻלֹּו מַחֲמַדִּים זֶה דֹודִי וְזֶה רֵעִי בְּנֹות יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃  
(Song of Solomon 5:16)

Didalam Kitab Perjanjian Lama, Nabi Sulaiman atau SOLOMON dalam BIBLE ENGLISH ini adalah terjemahan bagi ayat di atas:

His mouth [is] most sweet, Yes, he [is] altogether lovely. This [is] my beloved, And this [is] my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem! (Song of Solomon 5:16). 

Kenapa מַחֲמַדִּ diterjemahkan kepada lovely didalam terjemahan English? Bukankah itu sebuah nama? Oklah… pembuktian yang Nabi Muhammad sudah diramalkan kedatangannya sebelum kelahiran Jesus ada didalam BIBLE.

Saya tidak mahu menjadi blogger melalak tanpa bukti. Mari… ikut saya cari maksud perkataan diatas.

Bukti menunjukkan perkataan ini adalah merujuk kepada Muhammad:

מַחֲמַדִּי (copy paste perkataan ini untuk Google Translator)

boleh dibuktikan melalui beberapa enjin terjemah popular. Antara yang mudah ialah:

Terjemahan perkataan מַחֲמַדִּי melalui Google Translator

מַחֲמַדִּ (copy paste perkataan ini untuk WordLingo dan FreeTranslation)

Terjemahan perkataan מַחֲמַדִּ di dalam WordLingo Translator dan FreeTranslation:



Semoga Allah s.w.t. menjadikan orang Islam sebagai asbab hidayat seluruh manusia seluruh alam.


Unknown said...

Masya Allah

Unknown said...

Alhamdulillah terbaik tuan

Unknown said...

Alkhamdulillah meyakinkan

Anonymous said...

Mana ada LOL kamu gk bisa baca huruf bahasa Ibrani. Tidak ad kata muhammad tukang boong.. tulisan asli nya saja bukan menunjukkan nama awokawoakwoak
Tukang boong sama kaya nabi kalian awoakwaowk

Anonymous said...

Google translate kok d pke

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

False Interpretation of Song of Solomon 5:16 ------> Here's the truth. Because Ahmad Deedat, Zakar Naik, and muslims would use Taqiyya to blind and deceive the masses. Do not fall for this folly. Search for the truth (Jesus Christ is Lord) and the truth shall set you free. https://youtu.be/2gJTLtbIE5g

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous said... With all due respect, let me clarify you some word
1. That you have to acknowledge yourself about The word of "taqqiyah" that is a terms from the Shia sect the point is about lies and deception and then what is the connection between syi'ah and Dr Zakir and ahmeed deedat. Well Dr Zakir naik ahmeed deedat their just clarify the chapter, by Quoting what's on the song of Solomon chapter 5 16 and if you understand English very well then you should know that a person name is cannot be translated.
2. that "Muhammad" is a person name and "I m" is plural of respect such as Eloh"Im" not all together lovely and underline this, jesus didn't talk in English he is talk in Hebrew So don't mistranslate that. The proof is do copy paste the Hebrew word of muhammadim in Google translate to english like the author already give you the example then you will see
3. Show any chapter on the bible that jesus clearly said not Said by Paul or whoever I don't wanna hear them I wanna hear what my master said, or any interpretation because the word of God will never make it hard or confusing to his follower, just simple word of only jesus himself said that I am God or Worship Me. i will put my head on the guillotine may Allah forgive us all

Kamso said...

Buka mata buka hati bung, baca baik² apa yg tertulis dlm kitab suci anda - old testament. Semoga anda menemukan kebenaran sejati ttg Muhammad sbg Nabi Terakhir, tnx alot.

Anonymous said...

Ente yang otaknya beku

Anonymous said...

Hp jangan buat nonton bokep doang goblok dipelihara sungguh miris liat yahudi satu ini

Anonymous said...

Umat paulus umat paling ngeyel dibumi...buktinya rela sesat demi mempertahankan egois nya ajaran alkitab aja bertentangan dengan ajaran paulus

Anonymous said...

Matius, 4:10 à “Engkau harus menyembah Tuhan, Allahmu dan hanya kepada Dia sajalah engkau berbakti.”

Matius, 23:8 à “Hanya satu Rabimu.” (Ini Pernyataan Yesus)

Markus, 12:29 à “Tuhan Allah kita, Tuhan itu Esa.” (Ini Pernyataan Yesus)

Markus, 12:32 à “Tidak ada yang lain kecuali Dia (Allah).” = Laa Ilaaha Illallah (Ini Pernyataan Yesus)

Lukas, 10:21 à “Bapa/Allah, Tuhan langit dan bumi.” (Ini Pernyataan Yesus)

Yohanes, 5:44 à “Allah yang Esa.” (Ini Pernyataan Yesus)

Yohanes, 6:32-33à“Bapa/Allah-Ku yang memberikan kamu roti dari sorga.”

Matius, 23:9à“Janganlah kamu menyebut siapapun Bapa/Allah di bumi ini, karena hanya satu Bapa/Allah-mu, yaitu Dia yang di sorga.”.

Lukas, 10:16 à “Dia/Allah yang mengutus aku.” =Yesus Rasul/Utusan Allah.

• Yohanes, 4:34 à “Dia/Allah yang mengutus aku.” =Yesus Rasul/Utusan Allah.
• Yohanes, 4:44 à “Yesus bersaksi bahwa dirinya hanya seorang Nabi.” = Nabi Allah.
• Yohanes, 4:19 à “Yesus membenarkan wanita yang menyebut dirinya hanya Nabi.”
• Yohanes, 6:38 à “Dia/Allah yang telah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 6:39 à “Dia/Allah yang telah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 6:57 à “Bapa/Allah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 7:16 à “Dia/Allah yang telah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 7:33 à “Dia/Allah yang telah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 8:29 à “Dia/Allah yang telah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 8:18 à “Bapa/Allah yang mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 9:4 à “Dia/Allah yang mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 11:42 à “Engkaulah (Allah) yang mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Yohanes, 17 :6-9 à “Engkaulah (Allah) yang telah mengutus aku.” = Rasul Allah.
• Semua yang diutus Tuhan adalah hamba Tuhan : Mat 12:17 & Kis 4:27.
• Hamba Tuhan tidak pantas disebut sebagai Tuhan: Mat 19:17 & Luk 18:18 & Mark 10:18.

Anonymous said...


Does Song of Solomon Mention Muhammad?



From Issue: R&R – November 2013

Islamic apologists have attempted to bolster the credibility of their beliefs by claiming that the Bible, itself, makes reference to the coming of the prophet Muhammad. Ironically, this claim comes even in the face of the prevailing Islamic contention that the Bible has been corrupted, and thus cannot be relied upon as an accurate record of God’s Word. Nevertheless, Muslim polemicist Zakir Naik claims that Muhammad is mentioned by name in the Hebrew text of Song of Solomon 5:16. The reader is urged to weigh this
In English, the verse reads: “His mouth is most sweet, yes, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!” (NKJV). A phonetic transliteration of the underlying Hebrew text reads: Kheeco mahm-tah-keem vuh-coollo ma-kha-madeem zeh dodee veh-tseh ray-ee beh-note yerushalayim. Muslims claim that the bolded word, though translated “altogether lovely,” is the name of Muhammad (Naik, n.d.). Consider six linguistic evidences that dispute Naik’s claim:

The second syllable (kha) utilizes the Hebrew letter heth which has a hard initial sound like the “ch” in the Scottish word “loch.” It is to be distinguished from the Hebrew letter he which is the same as the English letter “h.” If Muhammad was being referred to, the simple “h” would have been more linguistically appropriate.

Muslims claim that the eem (or im) in ma-kha-madeem in the Hebrew language was “added for respect” (Naik). This claim is untrue and unsubstantiated. The letters constitute the standard form for changing a singular to a plural—like adding “s” or “es” in English (cf. Weingreen, 1959, pp. 35ff.). As the eminent Emil Rödiger (who was professor for oriental languages at the University of Halle and the student of the well-known German Orientalist, H.F.W. Gesenius) noted in his editorial comment in the prestigious Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar: “The use of the plural as a form of respectful address is quite foreign to Hebrew” (Gesenius, 1898, p. 418).

The meaning of the Hebrew ma-kha-madeem is different from the meaning of the word “Muhammad” in Arabic. According to Sheikh Abd al-Azîz, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the word “Muhammad” is derived from the Arabic root word hamd meaning “praise.” It is the emphatic passive participle of that root and can be translated as “the Oft-Praised One” (n.d.). However, the Hebrew term (makh-mahd) in the passage under consideration has a completely different meaning. It refers to “grace, beauty” (Gesenius, 1847, p. 464), “a desirable thing, delightfulness” (Brown, et al., 1906, pp. 326-327), “a pleasant thing” (Payne, 1980, 1:295), or “precious” (Holladay, 1988, p. 190). English translations render the term “altogether lovely” (NKJV, NIV), “wholly desirable” (NASB), and “altogether desirable” (ESV, RSV). No reputable English translation would render the underlying Hebrew as “praised one,” let alone as “Muhammad.” All Muslims have done is happen upon a Hebrew word that phonetically sounds somewhat like “Muhammad” and have erroneously concluded the word must be referring to him. Such handling of linguistic data is irresponsible—if not deceptive.

Further, the claim that Muhammad is intended in the verse completely disregards the context and message of the book of Song of Solomon. The book consists of a dialogue between Solomon, his Shulamite bride-to-be, and the “daughters of Jerusalem,” with perhaps even God interjecting His comment (5:1b), as well as the Shulamite’s brothers (8:8-9). The term used in 5:16 that Muslims claim refers to Muhammad is also used in 2:3 to refer to the Shulamite’s beloved—“Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down in his shade with great delight.” “Great delight” is the Hebrew word also used in 5:16; in both cases the words of the Shulamite refer to her beloved—not Muhammad.

al fatih said...

assalammualaikum semua...segala puji bagi Allah,terima ksaih pada tuan pnya blog berkongsi pasal song of solomon 5 16 ni
saya x sangka bila saya copy paste ayat 16 dalam bahsa ibrani
חִכֹּו מַֽמְתַקִּים וְכֻלֹּו מַחֲמַדִּים זֶה דֹודִי וְזֶה רֵעִי בְּנֹות יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃..ini yang google translate
Wait for sweet things and all of them love me. This is David and this is (evil), daughters of Jerusalem.
jahat sungguh diorang ni.. yang sebenarnya klu btol translate Mahmadi atau Mahdi
hanya Allah yang tahu..cuba kalian semak sendiri... Mahdi dalam ibrani segala puji bagi Allah